I charge £40 an hour for labour. I work across Belfast and Newtownabbey in Northern Ireland. With each customer I arrange a time and place to meet and I bring their cycle back to my workshop for assessment. After informing the customer of the assessment results and agreeing a plan with them I complete the work in as short a time as possible and return the cycle. This may include a service listed below or, instead, specific services eg. a change of groupset, wheel rebuild, "make it safe and useable after storage in the garage for two years", etc. Pick-up, assessment and drop-off is free, I only charge for labour. Parts extra.
This is a one hour service to ensure your bike is running smoothly and safely and can usually be performed at an address of your choice
-Inspection and “M” assessment
-Wheels safe, tyres safe and inflated correctly
-All bolts torqued correctly including seat, bars, pedals, etc.
-Safe braking and gear changing
-Advice and information to customer
This takes around 2 hours and is a typical yearly service for most cycles
Safety check, plus:
-Frame, forks and drivetrain checked in detail for marks, cracks, bends, etc.
-Brakes checked and adjusted, cables replaced if necessary
-Gears indexed, derailleur/hanger adjustments, cables replaced if necessary
-Bearings (wheels, headset, bottom bracket) checked and adjusted if necessary
-Obvious degreasing/regreasing, simple repairs
All the bells and whistles- show your cycle some real TLC! This major service takes 5-6 hours and makes your cycle feel like new. Capped at £120
-Full strip down of bike to the frame and forks.
-Assessment/ repair/ replacement of drivetrain, wheels and hubs, gearing, headset, bottom bracket, brakes, saddle and seatpost, cables, bolts, etc. (parts extra). Includes wheel servicing.